Resident FAQ’s

Check with the advertisement to determine who the property manager is for the property you're interested in. If it's not listed, call the main phone number (602)570-2737 to determine who the manager is and how to reach them. Contact the Lynx Realty property manager who manages the property you’re interested in and you will be sent more information, and a link to apply.

Yes, Lynx Realty requires applications from all persons 18 or over, who will be living in the home, must submit a separate application. It is critical that each adult applicant have a separate email address where they actively receive email.

Not all properties have the same pet policy. Some are okay with some pets. Some with no pets. No properties permit animals listed on this list.

  • Pit Bull Terriers
  • Staffordshire Terriers
  • Rottweilers
  • German Shepherds
  • Presa Canarios
  • Chows Chows
  • Doberman Pinschers
  • Akitas
  • Wolf-hybrids
  • Mastiffs
  • Cane Corsos
  • Great Danes
  • Alaskan Malamutes
  • Siberian Huskies

Yes, Lynx Realty does accept service animals. Contact the property manager for more information.

Lynx Realty requires guaranteed funds (cashier’s checks or money orders) for all move in money paid in advance of move-in. CASH IS NEVER ACCEPTED.

Lynx Realty will always accept your payment in full of your total balance if your account is in good standing. If you’re paying rent late by mail, you must pay with guaranteed funds. If you are established on the payment portal, late payments may be permitted unless restricted. Remember, It takes 2-4 days for electronic payments to clear your bank. IF FOR ANY REASON, YOUR PAYMENT DOES NOT CLEAR your bank, you will be charged a returned payment fee, and late fees the same as if you had never paid to begin with in accordance with the terms of your lease.

Our preferred rent payment method is online. Your payment is due no later than the 5th of the month (rare exceptions in certain leases, based on government paychecks). If you choose to pay by check or money order, it can take up to a week to get to our office, and there is no grace allowed for mail time. You are responsible for Lynx Realty receiving the payment on time.  Late fees begin on the 6th of the month and continue daily until the balance is paid in full.

NO. At this time, Lynx Realty has no physical drop box. It is best to pay online. If you’re running too late, you can send payment overnight with the carrier of your choice to: Lynx Realty, PO Box 1982, Gilbert, AZ 85299-1982.

Lynx Realty requires all late payments be paid in guaranteed funds (cashier’s check or money order). Partial payments are never accepted without a Partial Payment Agreement. Please contact your property manager.

NO. Lynx Realty policy does not permit late fees to be waived. Due to the vast number of regulatory requirements we must meet, including equal treatment policies all late fees will be charged in accordance with your lease.

NO. Lynx Realty policy gives management the sole right to determine how your payments will be applied. Late fees do not stop accruing until the balance is paid in full. As a matter of policy, in almost all cases, rent gets apportioned last and will contine to generate the late fees regardless of any attempts by tenants to pay differently. Certain exceptions are made to allow reasonable time to pay for some things like repairs, etc.